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 Parts catalog


096673 860115759 Axis 4644308611 (ZF)
096676 860115758 Shaft 4350427 (Sao)
09A002 860115757 Axis 3Y15A.4.8-3
09A003 860115756 Axis 3Y15.7.6.2-3
09A004 860115755 Shaft (Volvo) 7123-51490
09A043 860115754 Bushing ZL50E.8-22
09A045 860115753 Bushing ZL50.11A-10
09A047 860115752 Axis DT12.1.3.3-3
09A051 860115751 Final drive half shaft 392043 (T140B)
09A052 860115750 Chinese and English manual LW321
09A065 860115749 Chinese and English manual CV80
09A066 860115748 Chinese and English instructions 6135K-10C
09A078 860115747 Chinese and English parts catalogue 6135K-10C
09A079 860115746 Central support YZ10.10.1.2-10
09A086 860115745 Central Transmission Assembly (YZ10.10.1.2)
0A10024 860115744 Center rotary cylinder PY180.6.13
0A10025 860115743 Central ring YZ10.10.1.2-17
0A13038 860115742 Central ring 67800
0A13040 860115741 Median adjustment bolt/set (CV80)
0A13041 860115740 The median switch LXW-11G (domestic) (same as 5010466)
0A13042 860115739 China Railway Express (piece)
0A13053 860115738 Intercooler assembly (6CT8.3-0240)
0A13057 860115737 Intercooler intake pipe R8.4-24A
0A14021 860115736 Intercooler outlet pipe Z5G (CEIV).1.1.3
0A14043 860115735 Intercooler outlet pipe R8.4-17a
0A14049 860115734 Intercooler 00292155
0C0005 860115733 Intermediate active disk CA10
0C0011 860115732 Intermediate active disk JN150
0C0012 860115731 Intermediate shaft assembly Z3.6.3
0C0013 860115730 Intermediate shaft assembly (Hangzhou) Z3.6.3
0C0017 860115729 Intermediate shaft end cap ZL20-030058
0C0017-1 860115728 Intermediate shaft 033002
0C0017-2 860115727 Intermediate input shaft ZL40A.30.5-1
0C0020 860115726 Intermediate output shaft ZL40A.30.5-1
0C0021 860115725 Intermediate output shaft 403203 hang teeth 40/50
0C0025 860115724 Intermediate output gear ZL40A.30.1-6
0C0026 860115723 Intermediate output gear ZL40A.30.1-6
0C0027 860115722 Intermediate output gear 403511 (hanging teeth)
0C0028 860115721 Intermediate chain protection LTU9.1.4.5
0C0029 860115720 Intermediate relay 3TH4022-OXMO
0C0030 860115719 Intermediate jacket 526G.8.1-4
0C0031 860115718 Intermediate scraper 2Y10.3.2
0C0032 860115717 Intermediate blade 732057
0C0033 860115716 Intermediate drive group 2Y10.5.1
0C0034 860115715 Intermediate drive shaft assembly 500K.3.3
0C0036 860115714 Intermediate drive shaft assembly 350K.03.4
0C0050 860115713 Intermediate tooth assembly JR-01
0C0060 860115712 Intermediate gear assembly 61560050053 (WD615)
0C0125 860115711 Intermediate gear bearing WD615
0C0196 860115710 Intermediate gear shaft 912
0C0210 860115709 Intermediate gear shaft 61560050044 (WD615)


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